
F&I Menu Training: Sell More In 2024

The F&I menu isn't just a list of services and products; it's a powerful sales tool. Whether you prefer a digital format or the traditional paper menu, remember that the effectiveness of your presentation hinges on how well you, the person behind the menu, utilize it.

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Maximizing F&I Performance with Darwin Automotive: An Insider's Guide

Darwin Automotive's menu presentation feature is a game-changer, offering unparalleled flexibility to cater to diverse customer needs and preferences.

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Unlocking the Power of the F&I Menu: The Secret Weapon for Dealerships

The era of high-pressure sales tactics is over. Today's top F&I managers know that a successful menu presentation is about telling, not selling. It's about speed, efficiency, and relevance. Customers have a limited attention span—roughly 190 seconds b

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April Fool's Joke

Happy April, Fools! Oh, umm, wait, never mind; just kidding! Have you ever planned something and then watch it go wrong? In life, you always have to expect the unexpected. Sometimes, if you're lucky, things will work out for the better, but sometimes, it just backfires.

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Snow, Snow, and More Snow

Is it me, or is February another rough month? Not only is it generally a slower month, but we have also been hit back-to-back with snowstorms, ice, freezing temperatures, etc. And it's not just us here in the Northeast – where we are at least used to this type of weather – but all over the country.

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Catering Your Business to Today's Market

As I’m sitting here in front of my laptop, doing my daily catch up on Automotive News, a podcast from Ally caught my attention because, well, the topic sounded interesting. Apparently, it was part 3 of a series related to F&I. I didn’t go back and listen to the other parts as they ...

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Looking Back on 2020

2020 is finally behind us, and January brings a fresh start for us all. Usually, in January, I like to take some time and reflect on the previous year: the good, the bad, what did I learn, what did I accomplish, what changes can I implement for the coming year, and so on.

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2021 Debuts

There are only a few days left in 2020, and many of us are anxious for the year to end. A new year generally means new goals, new year’s resolutions, fresh starts, and new beginnings. With everything we have endured this year, a fresh start (hopefully) could not be more welcoming.

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The Future is Electric

Given a choice between cash and closing your doors or changing how you do business to adapt to a changing industry, which would you choose? It looks like Cadillac dealers are facing this question as GM wants to shift to an all-electric lineup by the end of the decade.

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